
You are welcome to use these resources of printable prayers to download (in PDF Formate) for personal use or in community.


For the peace from above, and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.


In all things, may the victory come to us
while the glory
goes to God.


Live a life of prayer, giving glory to God and continually listening for His guidance


Divine Infant Jesus, I know you love me and would never leave me.

ഓശാന, പെസഹാ

God of love, 
My prayer is simple: 
Your son, Jesus, suffered and died for me. 

ഭവനങ്ങളിലെ പെസഹആചരണം

Come, O Jesus!
Be our friend in the depths of this world’s sorrows.


O Jesus, Who by reason
of Thy burning love for us 
hast willed to be crucified 
and to shed Thy Most Precious Blood …

ദുഃഖശനി, ഉയിർപ്പുതിരുന്നാൾ

From the waters of death you raise us
with Him and renew your gift of life within us.

ക്നാനായ മനസമ്മതം

Let us love,
since that is what our hearts were made for

ക്നാനായ കല്യാണം

Love to be real,
it must cost, it must hurt, it must empty us of self


“Come to me,
all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.”