Consecration of Family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart of Jesus, you have revealed your desire to reign in every Christian family. Today, we come to ask that you take complete possession of our home. We greatly desire that through sincere fidelity to you, our home becomes fragrant with love, peace and joy.

Keep far from us all that can turn us away from You. Drain off feelings of strife; replace our bitterness with forgiveness; do not allow resentments and hurts to dictate what we rule or say. May the flame of sincere and understanding love burn brighter each day thorough our frequent particiaption of the Eucharist and the habit of daily family prayer.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, preside over all our gatherings and events; be with us in all our joys and sorrows. If any of us should stray away from you and from us, may your merciful heart bring him or her back to obedience to You and to union with us. May each member of our family be a committed Christian, faithful to the way of life you have taught by word and example.

And, at the end, when death comes to take any one of us away, may we accept it with submission and with joyful hope in the resurrection and the final reunion of our family in heaven, where you own hand will wipe away every tear from our eyes.

Mary, Mother of Jesus, be the mother of this family. St. Joseph, take care of each member of this family as you looked after the Holy Family of Nazareth.

May the grace and blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus be on us; the peace of the Sacred Heart envelope us; the merits of the Sacred Heart plead for us; the love of the Sacred Heart strengthen us; the zeal of the Sacred Heart animate us; the virtues of the Sacred Heart shine forth in our words and deeds; and may the beatific vision of the Sacred heart be our eternal joy.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, be King of our home. In our home you be glorified today and forever. amen.

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