Prayer to the Holy Spirit for His Seven Gifts

Holy Spirit, Sanctifier Blest, deign to grant us:

The Gift of Fear which makes us shun all sin;

The Gift of Piety which makes us respect and love God, our parents and children, as is proper for true children of God;

The Gift of Knowledge which makes us judge eternal and temporal things as God judges them;

The Gift of Fortitude which makes us bear all hardships for the love and greater glory of God;

The Gift of Counsel which makes us be guided, and guide others, in the Way of Truth, of Christlike Life;

The Gift of Understanding which makes us penetrate deeply into what you, Holy Spirit have deigned to reveal;

The Gift of Wisdom which makes us relish all that is right and is in line with Eternal Wisdom.

This we ask you to grant us, Gift of God Most High, who live in perfect unity of Love with the Father and the Son. Amen

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