Prayer of Nurses

Everyday Prayer of Nurses

Lord Jesus Christ, source of all health and all healing, be with me this day and always as I go about among your sick, committed to your care. Place your own wounded hand upon my head, so that all my strength may come from you and be used for your glory. Let me find you in all the bruised and hurt, whose injuries I mend. Let me serve you in those to whom I bring solace and hope. Give my weariness and sufferings of all my patients a place in your passion. May we always remember the pain by which you have sanctified the world and saved our souls.

Do not let the human in me spoil the divine work that is mine to do. Keep me silent when I would speak without patience or pity. Hold back my hand when I would do whatever is against your will. Be with me in all my dealings with those whom I tend, that I may touch their very souls with love for you; and save my own soul by the love that I give them. And, Lord Jesus, when finally my round of duties is done and the hour of my own death shall come, grant me a place among your angels and saints in your kingdom. Amen

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